Part 52: Don't Inject
Part 52: Don't Inject
On second thought, putting Radical-6 into a serial killer is a terrible idea.

Let's fix that.

Music: Sinisterness Phase 3

Crap, I left the setting for the Japanese voice track on from awhile back. Oh well, only affects me.

The first part of this scene is mostly the same.

Up side of listening to the Japanese voice track is that Eric's voice no longer grates on me.


Oh look, the door opened.


I don't like that look...


Fade to black...
Music: Sinisterness Phase 1

Root 6, or the square root of 6 (also stated as Radical 6) = about 2.45. 1/root 6 =~ 40.1%.

Basically, everything appears to be moving 2.45 times as fast as normal.

These are both terms from epigenetics which is a branch of biology I didn't even know existed until just now. A cursory read makes it sound like "The Revenge of Lamarck", with phenotypical changes in an individual can cause extra structures to be added "on top of" DNA that can still be inherited by offspring. Also apparently biologists really hate it when you refer to epigenetics as pseudo- or neo-Lamarckian like I just did.

Oh, good, we're going to tie this back into morphogentic field theory.

Eric's still a little distracted.

Hmmm....and how would he know that?

Music: CQD Ward BGM 2

Welcome back computer lady.

C-Team was dead in the Healing Room fragment, too.

[Computer Lady:] That is all.
Same X-Passes as in the Healing Room fragment as well. Something I just noticed now that I'm listening to the Japanese voice track - the X-Passes are announced in English. Well, like a Japanese person pronouncing the English words, anyway.

Here come more impossible flashbacks from the morphogentic field.

Looks like they're in the Infirmary? Anyway, we haven't actually seen that scene ourselves yet...

Eric steps towards Gab for some reason.

Well, enough of that, it's TV time again.

No chit-chat from Zero, either.

And more falling sounds while we look away.

Fade to static. Q-Team made it all the way through a fragment intact for once!

Another completion! We're really getting somewhere now I think.

Nothing new unlocked, so we have the same options as before, minus the Biolab. Six new fragments, and five replays. Select the story fragment.

Just the one file. But where did this knowledge come from?
Also, it's never really confirmed if "Fanatic Bio R" is real or not. But Q-Team didn't die, and user whitehelm pointed out that the name of the virus is an anagram for "Fabrication", which makes the virus's existence somewhat suspicious.